• Customer

    Some changes

    Posted by: bmmedya Aug 26, 2024 at 14:07 (5 months ago)
    Hello my friend. I have some issues.
    1. I want to change the height of add to cart button on single product page. (Screeshot1)
    2. I want to remove 'Brands' tab from single product page. And I want to add new tab there with the name of 'Video reviews' (in our language 'Video icmallar') (Screenshot2)
    3. I want to change the color of main header grom grey to green (#0F9D58) and its light tones. Also I want to remove 'Total' section in the header.(Screenshot3)
    4. There are some words that I can't translate. I changed them in all translation files but they remain same. For exampe on mobile menu the name of the menu is written as 'Main menu' (I want to change it to 'Əsas menyu') and on bottom menu there is 'Compare' (I want to change it to 'Müqayisə')(Screenshot4 and Screenshot5)
    5. I removed 'quantity' section in single product menu. I want to remove it also in shop (archives, categories) page. Can you do it? (Screenshot6)

    By the way I changed my domain to nano.az. I will not use the older one. Please make the changes on the new domain.

  • Customer

    Posted by: LamHB, Aug 28, 2024 at 02:24 (5 months ago)

    1. I have added css to change the button in Theme Options, increase or decrease the "12px" values ​​as you like (screenshot_1).
    2. Done, I have customized in Theme Options.
    3. Done, I have customized in Theme Options.
    4. Done, this "Main menu" text is in the Ovic-addon-toolkit plugin. When you can't find the text you need to translate in the Theme, continue searching for it in the plugins (screenshot_2). This "Compare" text is customized by child-theme (as per your previous request) so it will have to be edited directly in the child-theme (screenshot_3).
    5. Done, I have customized in Theme Options.
  • Customer

    Posted by: bmmedya, Aug 28, 2024 at 05:54 (5 months ago)

    Thank you for your support. But I have some problem.
    1. You have changed the background color og main header. But the others remain grey. I want to make the background color of Categories menu same with header (#0F9D58), background color of Brands menu - #34a853 and background of profile compare wishlist buttons #48c76a (Screenshot1)
    2. I have adde Whatsapp button near to add-to cart button both on single product page and shop page. On mobile it is visible on both of them. But on desktop I cant see it on shop page. I thought that the reason is quantity block which was visible only on desktop. But after you removed it I cant still see the Whatsapp icon. How can we fix it? I am sending screenshot both from mobile and desktop.(Screenshot2 and Screenshot3)
    3. I have sent you e-mail for custom paid job. Please read and answer me as soon as possible. There are 2 e-mails from bmutlu.reklam@gmail.com Please read the last one.
    4. I want the header on all the pages be like homepage. But it is different.(Screenshot4) I could not fix them. Please fix it.

  • Customer

    Posted by: LamHB, Aug 28, 2024 at 09:52 (5 months ago)

    1. Done, I have customized in Theme Options.
    2. Done, I have customized in Child-theme.
    3. We have received and will reply to your request soon.
    4. I was checking this part and lost access, please check and send me the user/pass again (screenshot_1).
  • Customer

    Posted by: bmmedya, Aug 28, 2024 at 09:54 (5 months ago)

    I have sent my friend
  • Customer

    Posted by: bmmedya, Aug 28, 2024 at 11:01 (5 months ago)

    My friend I have also lost access to the website. Is it possible that some codes you entered or any plugin cause this problem?
  • Customer

    Posted by: bmmedya, Aug 28, 2024 at 12:16 (5 months ago)

    I solved the access problem. Please watch this problems
    2. I have adde Whatsapp button near to add-to cart button both on single product page and shop page. On mobile it is visible on both of them. But on desktop I cant see it on shop page. I thought that the reason is quantity block which was visible only on desktop. But after you removed it I cant still see the Whatsapp icon. How can we fix it? I am sending screenshot both from mobile and desktop.(Screenshot2 and Screenshot3)
    3. I have sent you e-mail for custom paid job. Please read and answer me as soon as possible. There are 2 e-mails from bmutlu.reklam@gmail.com Please read the last one.
    4. I want the header on all the pages be like homepage. But it is different.(Screenshot4) I could not fix them. Please fix it.
  • Customer

    Posted by: bmmedya, Aug 28, 2024 at 17:38 (5 months ago)

    My friend thank you for support. Whatsapp issue solved. And I have some more issues.
    1. header problem remains from the previous ticket. (it is not same on all the pages)
    2. When I am trying to create tabs in elementor and put the carousel inside the tab problem occures. I am sending you screenshots. I have a duplicate of frontpage. I made it there. (Screenshot1 and Screenshot2)
    3. At cart page there is some design problems. I am sending you Screenshot. (Screenshot3) And when I am trying to change quantity of some items or delete some of them it doesnt happen.
    4. I will send you money on monday. Until that time please make the sorting features on categories page 4(price ascending, price descending, on sale, popularity) that I said you in the mail. And if it is possible make some sale for me.
  • Customer

    Posted by: LamHB, Aug 29, 2024 at 10:32 (5 months ago)

    1. Done, since your home page has the Metabox option enabled (screenshot_1), I disabled it, from now on all site settings will be received in Theme Options.
    2. Elementor's default tab cannot be used with Theme's Products carousel, Products carousel (or any shortcode with similar carousel) needs some additional js functions to run, please use Kutethemes' Tabs (screenshot_2).
    1. Done, I fixed it.
    1. For custom job related issues please contact us via email.
  • Customer

    Posted by: bmmedya, Aug 31, 2024 at 08:58 (5 months ago)

    My friend I send you a letter form mail. Please answer me. I want them done in a very short time. Thank you very much for your support.
  • Customer

    Posted by: bmmedya, Sep 3, 2024 at 04:17 (5 months ago)

    My friend I have a new mail for you. I wrote 3-4 days ago. Please answer in a short time.We want to complete the final adjustments on the website and to be ready to launch the advertisements, making the site fully operational.
  • Manager

    Posted by: LamHB, Sep 4, 2024 at 03:11 (5 months ago)

    Sorry for the delay, our country just had a 4-day national holiday. We are working again, but the custom job is managed by someone else on the email channel, I will remind them for you, we will respond soon. Sorry again.


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