• Customer

    Elementor is not working

    Posted by: plantswithoutborders Mar 1, 2024 at 22:39 (a month ago)
    I have a functional website and it was working fine. I tried to change the header by adding a header and footer plugin. After that site created problems like my website home page was designed and live after that the content on the home page was erased and it's empty now. I tried to create a page via Elementor Builder but I am not able to do anything with Elementor.

    I also checked that by activating and deactivating plugins but I am unable to do that with Elementor now the site is empty you can check.

    So please let me know what the issue is and Solve this ASAP as my business is live and can not afford too much loss.

    The screen shot is attached you can see it was our home page design that I designed using Elementor.


  • Customer

    Posted by: plantswithoutborders, Mar 4, 2024 at 23:09 (a month ago)

    one more thing I noticed the all pages associated with elementor all the data on all pages are erased including home page, about us, contact, FAQ ACCOUNT page as well
  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Mar 6, 2024 at 02:51 (a month ago)

    At this time, the theme could not use Elementor v3.19.x.
    Please rollback to version 3.18.3.
    If you could not rollback Elementor, then We will help you.


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