• Customer

    Slider Revolution Images Are Not Rendering Properly on Mobile.

    Posted by: shellyheaven Nov 29, 2023 at 01:15 (a year ago)
    The images in the Revolution Slider are not rendering correctly on mobile. The images are oversized and partially cut off in the mobile view. This is a problem because 95% of our users are on mobile. My expectation is that the images are automatically resized to match the device screen, but this isn't happening.

    There is also a white section between the top of the images in the slider and the page banner at the top. This is coming up in both the desktop and tablet views

    There are lots of other issues we are having with the theme installation.

    Kind regards,

  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Nov 29, 2023 at 08:30 (a year ago)

    I have colected all of your issues and sent them to our supporter. He will check and fix asap.
    I will delete other tickets which you posted. So please following only this ticket to solve all of your issues to make sure that we do not miss any issue.
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Nov 29, 2023 at 16:32 (a year ago)

    But if you delete all my other tickets, how will I have a record of what issue I submitted and be able to track f it has in fact been resolved? I don't think that should be done, because I don't have this info anywhere else. Unless you are going to add a full list of all the issues in the chain here, so that everything can be tracked?
  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Nov 30, 2023 at 02:23 (a year ago)

    Hi, Our supporter has checked your issues:
    1. About the image in Revolution slider can not be resized in mobile mode (appear white space between the menu top and the slider): We have checked and could not see that. Here is what we see: https://prnt.sc/wAklQyTL8P0M. Please take a screenshot to clear this point.
    2. We did not see the Currency on top menu https://prnt.sc/GFapiA7DopLW
    3. About "An Ad is displaying on the page about a 50% off on Organic": Could you please take a screenshot so we can imagine what you mention about
    4. About the social links on Blog Posts: Is that what you mention about: https://prnt.sc/shQzt_tslBpv
    These are not about the social links inside the Theme Options. These links allow to share articles to social network, these are fixed. If you want to add more social network, let us know we will help you.
    5. About the "View All" link in footer: Go to "Edit Footer", If The link (which is marked in red in here: https://prnt.sc/lfN4yOeC1Kgd ) is filled by a link then the "View All" will be shown.
    6. About the Dokan menu: please take a screenshot.

    Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Nov 30, 2023 at 23:23 (a year ago)

    Hello, see below:
    1. The white space between top of slider and banner shows on desktop and tablet view. It does not show in mobile. The image in mobile has not resized properly. If you look more closely, while it is smaller, much of the image is actually cut off. You need to view on desktop to replicate this and compare the two. I have added screenshots.

    2. Yes - this is exactly my problem. The currency converter menu is not showing up though I have this format selected. And when it does show up, it is horizontal vs drop down vertical menu and does not work to switch out the various currencies. Nothing happens when you click it. Not sure how this works or what we are supposed to do. I configured Woo commerce multi currency and integrated with API key from open exchange.

    3. See screenshot. This ad shows up on multiple pages. Can't seem to find the source of where it is to replace it.

    4. Yes it is. We would like to add LinkedIn

    5. OK thank you, got it/understood. Great! This is now fixed. There is a grey line in the middle of the footer. I haven't been able to figure out how to either remove this or change colour to match the rest of the footer, so it doesn't show.

    6. I now honestly don't recall what this is about. I will have to check back the issue posted and then come and update here.
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Nov 30, 2023 at 23:47 (a year ago)

    Hello Again,
    So point 6 about Dokan is talking about the notification emails. These were copied over to the theme. But when I go to emails under the theme, I only see 14 emails onscreen. The same 14 there before all the ones I copied over. There are like 34 notification emails under Woocommerce - Settings emails.
    I can't send full sized screenshots as the image files are too large for upload. Furthermore, many of the emials are not even sending.
  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Dec 4, 2023 at 01:31 (a year ago)

    We have fixed issues(1,4,5), please check it.
    - About the issue 2: Currency is an optional, If you want to use multi languages or multi currencies then you have to use a plugin such as: WPML, install the plugin, then edit parameters in that plugin then add it to the menu.
    - About the issue 3: We still can not get your point. Please capture full screen or send me a link of that.
    - About the issue 6: Please capture full screen or record a video for me
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 5, 2023 at 06:20 (a year ago)

    Hi Thank you. Yes I can verify all the items you mentioned above are fixed.
    Issue 2 - I have already configured the multi currency, but I can't see where to add it to the top menu. This is under woocommerce multi currency
    Issue 3 - I have found how to fix this. The 50% off organic Ad image I shared was in the side bar widget, so have been able to fix that now, thanks. So this is resolved.

    Issue 6 - Go to Email Templates below Ovic Panel menu and all emails. There are 14 emails listed here. Then go to Woocommerce, Settings, Emails, over 30 emails are here. In here there is option to copy emails over to theme. The emails do not have our branding, so need to modify to get our branding. The emails are also not being received by the customer. This is hard to show in a screenshot.

    The menu on the home page is now broken though (long list before slider) and the sign in button leading to 404 error. I can't find where to edit the sign in link as it seems to now be broken. Would any of the changes you made cause this? Where do I fix the sign in link? Can't find which menu title has this top sign in menu - see attached screenshots.

  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 5, 2023 at 06:58 (a year ago)

    So the issue re the Slider images not rendering properly on mobile hasn’t been fixed yet though. What has been fixed is the removal of the white space at the top of the slider. All the slider images are cut off on mobile. In some cases the text is no longer legible. Please see the mobile screenshots attached for comparison with desktop and tablet views where all of the images can be seen clearly on those formats. Full images are not visible on mobile.
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 6, 2023 at 10:43 (a year ago)

    Issue 2 - Multi currency converter - I have used a different currency converter than the one that is in your theme. My preference was to use the one in the theme which was in the top menu at the top of the page and showing all the time. The one I have added is in the shop widget area at the side and only visible in the shop. If you could help me get this in the right position then this would be great.

    Issue 7:
    Hello, There is a filter for prices in the widget area. However, when this is clicked nothing happens, no products are viewable and zero results are returned. How do we get this to work? Note also that when an option is ticked, there is no tick to show that the item has been selected. The page just reverts to a blank screen. Screenshots of both views have been attached.

    Kind regards,
  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Dec 8, 2023 at 02:09 (a year ago)

    Our supporter has checked your issues:
    1. About the Multi currencies: You have to pay fee for using full function of this plugin, because you are using the free version so you only can add it to widget (https://prnt.sc/sx3YbKLM3btU). Our advice is: You may find another plugin or using paid version of Multi currencies plugin then the WPML's author will support you. Then if you face any issue you can ask help from them or ask help from internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5Ld1BMmSJA
    2. About the Email: We can not follow your instruction to help you with this issue. You may send the screenshot to SECRET INFORMATION box, If you still can not take a screenshot or video, then we can not help you in this case.
    3. You have to publish the menu to use it: https://prnt.sc/xto4nkqYnntU
    4. About the slider: If you want to setting the slider's image in mobile mode you can edit the setting: https://prnt.sc/7wPQnDgpDSib
    The text's setting is in default mode. You can turn off the auto resize mode (https://prnt.sc/eQdgxyjOQ9iK) and use manual setting mode, you may find the instruction on Internet or reference our theme https://prnt.sc/At-QYHNr4kYC
    If you do not know how to set up parameters such as: font text, color, background, image, position, responsive, ...then you may use these existing slider.
    5. About the filter for prices: You are setting only for price text, not the value yet: https://prnt.sc/Nad-kWNcO24d
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 12, 2023 at 19:28 (a year ago)

    1. Understood re the multi currency
    2. Will try to get you screenshot or recording of this email issue.
    3. OK, understood
    4. Re the slider images, we did use one of your theme sliders and then we edited to change the image that was added. Some of your pictures are still in there. None of the settings were changed. It needs to remain on the responsive and auto settings, so that it can auto adjust depending on the specific device.
    5. Ok got it
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 12, 2023 at 20:10 (a year ago)

    So I have done a Loom screen recording to show the email issue I am having. See link below.

  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 13, 2023 at 00:50 (a year ago)


    Where am I able to add the Alt text attributes for the images in the slider revolution?

    Kind regards,
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 13, 2023 at 01:51 (a year ago)

    For the social follows on the Blog Post, we do not want Pinterest right now as we do not have a Pinterest page. Is this something we will be able to edit ourselves in the future?

    Kind regards,
  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Dec 14, 2023 at 06:34 (a year ago)

    - To adjust the attributes of slider inside the revolution slider plugin, please search in the Internet. There are so many videos show how to do with that.
    - About the email: Actually, It is not related to the theme. However, You can customize the email, for example: To edit the email's footer, you can edit the content footer here: https://prnt.sc/GqKrI5NmPZuO
    - You may customize the social links in the Blog Post.
    + If you want to add a link then using child theme like the social Linkin below: https://prnt.sc/bTgU5OSBGwVy
    + to delete the social link you can use css code for doing that: https://prnt.sc/kUV5YSxhFO2O
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 17, 2023 at 00:48 (a year ago)

    Please note that I do not appreciate this response about searching on the internet. Please remember that I have paid for support and this should save me time searching on the internet. I have already done this for many stuff. Your documentation is very sparse and I am not a developer. This was just a simple response you could've provided. This does not encourage me to extend support if this is going to be the attitude and approach.
    Blog post socials - I am not a developer, so can't do these types of changes. This is not very helpful.
    Email issue now has a solution.
  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Dec 18, 2023 at 01:20 (a year ago)

    - About the blog post social: As in the previous message, we helped you to remove or add new link. Because you asked us the way to do that, so I just gave you the way to do this. In the future, if you can not do it by yourself, we still can help you.
    - To adjust the attributes of slider inside the revolution slider plugin: You can recheck my message on Dec 8, we already guided you the way to do that.
    Hope this can help you.
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Dec 28, 2023 at 15:04 (a year ago)

    I do not see where to edit the alt text on the slider revolution images. The images in the media library have the alt text to them. I am trying to understand if the slider will pick up this alt text or if it needs to be entered somewhere else in the slider. I think the videos above were talking about other stuff.

    Scroll indicator on the slider - one other query we have re the slider - How do we get the scroller to show so that users can scroll through the sliders on their own. Right now I am not seeing this when viewing the slider on the site and I am not seeing where to turn this on. Seems it did not come as default.
  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Jan 4, 2024 at 08:45 (a year ago)

    If you want to add text to slider you can check this: https://prnt.sc/Nxw0Z8RYH8sn
    If you want to edit text then you can choose that text and edit it: https://prnt.sc/S7B6m5sK5Hvl
    Our supporter has checked and seen that: user still can scroll the sliders by their own.
    Hope this can help you.
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Feb 8, 2024 at 16:15 (a year ago)

    Hi Yes, the scrolling is working now.

    I am not talking about the text on the slider. You can see that we have already edited this to add our own text. I am talking about the 'Alt' text. This is the alternative text embedded onto the image for the screen readers to read for people with accessibility issues. This is an Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) feature/requirement. I am not seeing where to add this on the slider revolution. We have added them in the media library in wordpress, but it seems that the slider doesn't pick up this info as my SEO plugin is still telling me that these images do not have any alt text.
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Feb 8, 2024 at 16:19 (a year ago)

    The Ovic Panel plugin is having a conflict with Elementor. When we are deactivating the Ovic Addon Toolkit plugin Elementor is working fine. and when activating elementor page is not working. It's showing the following error. We can't edit the pages on the website as Elementor will not load. See the error message at this link:

  • Admin

    Posted by: james, Feb 20, 2024 at 07:01 (11 months ago)

    At the moment Elementor v3.19.x is unstable. Please return to version 3.18.3 to use. We will update the theme as soon as possible
  • Customer

    Posted by: shellyheaven, Mar 6, 2024 at 03:21 (11 months ago)

    I am following up to find out when will the theme be updated. We are having a lot of issues with the theme and Elementor. Also, would like for this to be resolved before our support plan is up.


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