• Customer

    Issue with Footer

    Posted by: kri1983 Sep 21, 2021 at 11:09 (2 year ago)
    Hi there! I got an issue with the footer of the template. When I tried to activate footer no. 2 for example it´s shows the content of the site, please take a look at the homepage, istead of showing the footer it doublicates the content of the site. When using Elementor everythings looks fine, instead of the footer, which misses.

    Please help me soon with that, thank you!

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Sep 21, 2021 at 16:03 (2 year ago)

    Hi kri1983
    The cause maybe by the Elementor setting. Please check options as this link image: https://prnt.sc/1t47385 and let me know your results. Please provide your wp-admin account again if it does not work.
    Have a nice day!


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