• Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Aug 23, 2021 at 06:38 (2 year ago)

    Hi danikonee
    To update the Dukamarket theme:
    Step 1: Backup your site( Include codes + Database)
    Step 2: From the dashboard>>Appearance>>Theme, you need to activate the default template( Ex; Twenty Seventeen theme)
    Step 3: Click on the Dukamarket and then click Delete( look down in the right). NOTE: DO NOT delete the Dukamarket-Child
    Step 4: Return the dashboard choose Plugins then deactive the Ovic Adon Toolkit, Slider Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor and delete them.
    Step 5: Return the Appearance menus choose Theme>>Add New>>choose your latest theme version>>Install
    Step 6: Return the Plugins menus>>New>>and choose the Ovic Adon Toolkit (Slider Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor plugins are the same)>>Install>>and activate them.
    Please do it and let me know.


Theme Installation: $49. Pay now


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