• Customer

    Logo not showing on website

    Posted by: WhymLLC Jul 24, 2021 at 19:13 (2 year ago)
    I have uploaded the Logo to the backend under Ovic Panel> Theme Options> General and saved. I have also added the logo to Elementor under "Site Identity" and updated. The Favicon has successfully updated, but the website continues to show the Boutique logo as the main logo. How can I get my logo to appear on the website?

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jul 25, 2021 at 00:15 (2 year ago)

    Hi WhymLLC
    In this case the you have to turn off the Enable MetaBox Option at the dashboard>>Ovic Panel>>Theme Option>>Enable/Disable as the attachment screenshot before. Please try again and let me know your results.


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