• Customer

    You are using the dukamarket theme. I have some questions.

    Posted by: spact79 Jul 23, 2021 at 02:46 (2 year ago)
    As you can see in the screenshot, I want to delete number 1 and 2, but there is no change even if I click on the customization.스크린샷에서 보듯이 1번과 2번을 삭제하고 싶은데 사용자 정의를 클릭해도 변화가 없다. And I'd like to delete the number 3 shopping basket icon and handwriting. 그리고 3번 장바구니 아이콘과 필적을 삭제하고 싶다. Isn't there a way? 방법이 없을까?

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jul 23, 2021 at 16:02 (2 year ago)

    Hi spact79
    To hide the cart icon on header then you enter the dashboard>>Ovic Panel>.Theme Option>>Generals>>ACE Setting and enter these CSS codes;
    .block-minicart>a>* {
    display: none;
    Please do it and let me know your results.
  • Customer

    Posted by: spact79, Jul 24, 2021 at 03:38 (2 year ago)

    The shopping basket is well gone. Thank you, but there's still another problem. As I mentioned above, I would like to get rid of numbers 1 and 2 without any indication at all. Please teach me the way.
  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jul 24, 2021 at 05:03 (2 year ago)

    Hi spact79
    The cause maybe by your browser cache because it still work fine from me:https://prnt.sc/1f2wazr
    Please check again


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