• Customer

    currency&language in menus

    Posted by: ASTCM Jul 2, 2021 at 01:21 (2 year ago)

    I have installed Woocommerce currency switcher as a currency plugin
    and Gtranslate as a language plugin

    i added short code of both plugins to the menu and checked the option to show that menu to the mobile too

    i have many questions:

    1- the alignment of the two switchers on the menu is not on the proper position. and the style (Font and size are different from "Account" word in the same menu. Check screenshot: https://ibb.co/PYnWKd6

    2- when i chose the menu which contains the currency and language to appear on mobile, i have 2 problems
    A- currency and language is working on Desktop but not on mobile
    B- How to show currency and language to the primary menu . i mean to show default menu of the theme on mobile and add language¤cy to that menu.


  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jul 2, 2021 at 22:31 (2 year ago)

    Hi ASTCM
    I got answer from the author of theme, they said that you are customizing theme and use other plugins. They wont support for these and you have to do by yourself or connect to customized services because there are much plugins and they could not make a theme, it could be compatible with all plugins. As i mentioned at the last ticket, the author of theme recommend that customers should do by the WPML plugin and they support for this plugin also.


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