• Customer

    How can i add custom fonts?

    Posted by: MRMParteneri2021 Jun 30, 2021 at 22:03 (2 year ago)
    How is it possible to add custom fonts on the theme.

    I added them on elementor but in the theme itself is impossible via the Ovic Panel / Theme Options. Its only google fonts. Its not even seeing the Elementor custom fonts.

    Also when the text color is changed in the theme options in the Ovic Panel it is completely ignored and e=overwritten by colors in the style.css. That option is useless for most of the website.

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jul 1, 2021 at 13:37 (2 year ago)

    Hi MRMParteneri2021
    Could you please provide your wp-admin + ftp or Cpanel accounts via secret information area. I would like to check on your site and guide you.


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