• Customer

    Making changes in existing theme

    Posted by: Kelaris Jun 17, 2021 at 13:44 (2 year ago)
    I have uploaded an Image that contains both of my questions

    Question #1: How do you edit the contents of the Gear Icon? and can I remove it and just add a "wishlist Icon?

    Question #2, the website is multilingual Greek and English, however the menu (round icons) that is part of the header remains static (is not translated), there is an option to add just one menu in the theme options (there is also another option to add the menu under each page, whether that is greek or english but the changes do not take effect since it uses whatever menu is set on the Theme Options)

    I am here if you need more screenshots/ additional info

    Thanks in advance

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jun 17, 2021 at 14:35 (2 year ago)

    Hi Kelaris
    Q1: You can rid of by the css codes.
    Q2: I would like to check on your site so could you please provide the wp-admin + ftp or Cpanel accounts via secret information area? I would like to check on your site and guide you.
  • Customer

    Posted by: Kelaris, Jun 18, 2021 at 10:41 (2 year ago)

    1) The gear icon is a drop down list, it has compare icons/wish list and more, i just want to isolate the wish list, actually replace the entire gear icon with just the wish list.
    2) info has been sent

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jun 19, 2021 at 00:12 (2 year ago)

    Hi Kelaris
    Q1: I just rid off the gear icon by css codes, you can check at the Dashboard>>Ovic Panel>>Theme Options>>Generals>>ACE Setting
    Q2: it's like there's a difference between in English and Greek version . To use mutil languages then you should do by the WPML plugin, it's fully compatible with theme.
  • Customer

    Posted by: Kelaris, Jun 22, 2021 at 12:20 (2 year ago)

    Thank you for doing the changes, this is something I could have done as well, the point of contacting is mostly to find a solution on how to separate the "wish list" function and add it separately next to the cart, this way it is easier for customers.

    Now, is there a way to further edit the header? Something like what I described earlier, replace the gear icon with another icon (function)

    As far as the shop menu, you mentioned that WPML is compatible, but we have Polylang installed ( this is where it gets tricky since I joined the project when it was nearly complete and I have to do all the changes & editing) is that not compatible? What is the recommended solution?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jun 23, 2021 at 00:23 (2 year ago)

    Hi Kelaris
    I discussed with the author of theme about the wish list function, he said that customer have to do by themselves or connect to customized services. He wont support for customized work. I am really sorry about it.
    The WPML is better than Polylang and full support for Word Press theme. It's easy to translate and get full support from the author of plugin. However you can do by your plugin.
    On theme feature the author of theme, they recommend that customer should user the WPML plugin also: https://prnt.sc/16dvcb2
  • Customer

    Posted by: Kelaris, Jun 25, 2021 at 08:01 (2 year ago)

    hello again,

    Sure I can try and do it, but there is no option to edit the header, do I go and make changes with code only?

    Finally, as I mentioned, I was added in the project towards the end of it and also I know that the theme is compatible with WPML. So my question is, if I change the translation plugin, will it solve the issue with the menu not translating in another language ( just so you do not have to go back and read everything, I am referring to the 4 round icons/menu that is part of the header)

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Jun 25, 2021 at 16:11 (2 year ago)

    Hi Kelaris
    Q1: Yes, you can make changes with code only
    Q2: yes, your menus will be translated in other languages


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