• Customer

    quick question about how to use

    Posted by: wanren May 4, 2021 at 17:11 (2 year ago)
    All my questions is about homepage. I have successfully configured out shop page.
    1. Where to change the logo?
    2. Where to change twitter link on top bar?
    3. Where to change phone number on top bar?
    I have checked through your document, but looks like column in the below tutorial does not exist any more:

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, May 5, 2021 at 02:59 (2 year ago)

    Goodmorning, wanren
    Q1: To change logo: You enter the dashboard>>Ovic Panel>>Theme Option>>Generals as this link image https://prnt.sc/12i6rsf
    However you have to Turn Off the Enable Metabox Options at the dashboard>>Pages>>Edit your Home front page>>Theme Settings as this link image: https://prnt.sc/12i6uc8
    Q2: To change twitter link on top bar: From dashboard>>Ovic panel>>Theme Option>>Header: https://prnt.sc/12i7emn
    Q3: to change phone number on top bar: From dashboard choose Appreance>>Menus>>Topbar left or right>>Edit your phone numbers there
    Last question: It maybe at the WPBakerry Page Builder version ( not at the Elementor version)


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