• Customer

    Theme Details

    Posted by: waynejb Apr 28, 2021 at 19:32 (2 year ago)
    1) On theme forest it says you can set WooCommerce to be a catalog and not show any pricing or have ordering capabilities? How do you set this?
    2) What about the newsletter routing of people subscribing? What is that tied to? How do we configure to use Gravity Forms?
    3) The new products widget shows starts for rating but we have ratings turned off. How do we hide this or change widget?

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, May 3, 2021 at 01:53 (2 year ago)

    Hi, @waynejb

    1. The Catalog feature: I have discussed this again with the developer of this theme. He said that he would update again this feature for this theme on the next update version. So, please try to wait for the next released version then update for your site.

    2. Sorry, I don't understand clearly your question. Because we use Mailchimp to link the Newsletter. We also do not develop it. So even you want to manage the list of the subscribers, you also need to contact to Mailchimp to get the answer.

    3. I don't see any the rating stars on your site anymore. Can you take the screenshots?


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