• Customer

    How to edit Tab and Product style?

    Posted by: fostock Mar 22, 2021 at 14:13 (3 year ago)
    Hi! I want to ask about Tab style and Product style.

    Currently, my home page looks like this (https://prnt.sc/10sjnxj) in a desktop version, but in a mobile version, its tab style changed like this (https://prnt.sc/10sjott).
    I wanted to make a mobile version possible to show the icon images in a tab like a desktop. So I have changed the style from style 1 to style 2, but it looks weird. (https://prnt.sc/10sk2gh)

    And I would like to make it possible to show products like this (https://prnt.sc/10skfxm) to make customers notice easily that there are more products remained. But I don't know how to handle it with the current product style.

    Furthermore, I wanted to make this tab with different colors and arranged in the central. So I was trying to edit margin and padding and so on, but it doesn't look so nice. Also, I don't know how to change the tab color. (https://prnt.sc/10skmfg)
    And even though there are more products to be shown, but I don't know why it doesn't work and shows only 4 products.

    Lastly, how can I change the button style and color? I mean "select options" or "add to cart". And is there a way to make these buttons deactivated if there is no stock?

    Thanks for your support in advance.

  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Mar 23, 2021 at 03:11 (3 year ago)

    Goodmorning, fostock
    We have checked and got some problems as you mentioned. By the default of theme, it still works fine. The cause maybe by you have customized this theme or plugins, they are conflicted with theme. Let our coder check and reply you asap.
  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Mar 23, 2021 at 05:05 (3 year ago)

    The last issue, you can change by some css codes at the CSS codes at the Dashboard>>Ovic Panel>>Theme Option>>Generals>>ACE Settings:
    .product--style-01 .group-button--inner .add-to-cart > a {
    width: auto;
  • Customer

    Posted by: fostock, Mar 23, 2021 at 15:38 (3 year ago)

    Thanks for the answer. But how can I deactivate or make a button non-clickable or deactivated when it is out of stock? I don't know how to handle this scenario with your above comment. :(
  • Customer

    Posted by: Maason, Mar 24, 2021 at 03:39 (3 year ago)

    Our coder has checked and said that you are using home 7 and re-editing these styles(issues 1,2 above). By the default of demo then desktop and mobile version, they are not the same style together. In these cases then you have to customize by yourself or connect to customize services, they will check and do it well. We wont support for customize work.


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