• Customer

    Currency setting & order tracking into my account page menu

    Posted by: fostock Mar 16, 2021 at 16:34 (3 year ago)

    I need your support with three different topics.

    1. currency setting

    I would like to erase the dollar and make it active only euro in the currency setting.
    But I don't know where I can set it. Could you help?

    2. insert order tracking into my account page menu

    "order tracking" is not shown on my account page. (my account page is the default page supported by woocommerce)
    Currently, I can see only orders, addresses, account details and logout.
    Is there any way to add order tracking into my account page? (eg., code snippet)

    3. menu style

    I would like to make my menu like mega_menu_home or mega_menu_shop etc.
    How can I apply this design to my menu?

    Thank you!

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 17, 2021 at 02:57 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @fostock

    1. Do you want to remove this: https://prnt.sc/10nokar?
    If your site is not a multi-language site, you can turn off this mode: Theme Options > Header > Demo Language: https://prnt.sc/10np3mu

    2. I still do not understand. Pls take the screenshot then I will check for you

    3. Do you want to ask about how to create a new mega menu?
    If that, pls refer to this documentation to understand how it works: https://biolife.kutethemes.net/documentation/documentation/faqs-elementor-template/how-to-create-mega-menu/

  • Customer

    Posted by: fostock, Mar 18, 2021 at 09:05 (3 year ago)

    Hey, thanks for the reply.

    1.about the currency setting
    My site will be a multi-language site but it will accept euro only. Still, is it ok to turn off this module (Theme Options > Header > Demo Language)?
    And if this option is turned off, will my site work with a multi-language plugin (like WPML) later?

    2.about the order tracking
    So currently, my account page does not have an order tracking field. (https://prnt.sc/10oxd9x)
    I want to make it possible to click order tracking page in my account page. (https://prnt.sc/10oxa5w)
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 19, 2021 at 03:59 (3 year ago)

    I sent your issues to my coder. Let him check then I will inform you later.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 19, 2021 at 04:33 (3 year ago)

    1. The Demo language is the section to show the boxes of Currency and Language.
    It will not effect when you want to use the plugin WPML later.

    2. You can build anything you want. Because in the default template of Woo, there is no this section.
    You can filter to this hook to add the one you want: woocommerce_account_menu_items



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