• Customer

    I am having some problem customizing theme and want to connect another account for theme customization

    Posted by: eye71online Mar 16, 2021 at 05:18 (3 year ago)
    I bought the theme and attached my friend for customization. He is working with this theme. As I have given theme purchase code and make him authorize for it so, he can get support from you by his email. Most of the theme support this system and I am reaching you to confirm the authorization. The credentials are given bellow:
    Thank you

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 16, 2021 at 07:56 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @eye71online

    Currently, I just can check your user name: eye71online
    I can see your profile with the purchase code, domain.
    About your friend's username, I cannot find out him. It means that if he did not the one who purchased this theme, he will not able to submit the ticket on our support forum.

    Please confirm all your process and complete them. I will check the problems of the theme on this support forum.
    Thank you!

  • Customer

    Posted by: eye71online, Mar 16, 2021 at 16:06 (3 year ago)

    I think you didn't get my point. He has long conversation with you and you made a statement like this. This is rally an odd system. I haven't thought before. You told in your statement to authorize with him to get support. Suppose, I have hired someone to work for my site and I bought a theme from you so, should I give my credentials to him? Support can get anyone by proving the license code. It's only one license and without license, I am not accessible as well as there is no gpl system in your theme also.
    so, what's the problem to give support other person as he is proving that he has the authorization with this site?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 18, 2021 at 02:04 (3 year ago)


    Because I don't manage the conversation on Envato so I did not get what you mean.
    However, the Admin also explained quite clearly. Now I can get your username: eye71online with your purchase code of this theme - Armania. So you can submit a ticket on the support forum then I will check for the registered domain if it has any problems with the theme.

    About your friend who has this username: raihansdev, I cannot check and find out his account or purchase code also.
    If you authorize your website for him to manage (of course, your website is using our theme already) and when he sees any problem that needs to be supported, then he has to use your username (eye71online) to submit the tickets on the support forum then we will check. We do not refuse anyone who needs support. However, we need to support the ones who really purchase our themes.

    In your case, you are the person who purchased our theme and your friend is the one who manages your site.
    So, in order to get support, please use your username (eye71online) to submit the tickets here (because your friend does not have the purchase code of this theme) then explain your issues + provide your admin account, we will help you to check.

    Thanks for your understanding!
  • Customer

    Posted by: eye71online, Mar 21, 2021 at 17:25 (3 year ago)

    I am a bit confused about using username. Is it okay to use only username (eye71online) during submitting support ticket with his envato account? As you have authorize the envato account. If so I am okay with that. But I have seen many themes work different way and their approach is from client site and flexibility. If I have the theme license code I can contact support with my username although I didn't buy the theme from my account. It's really user friendly and flexible way for a customizer/developer. This is first time the system is different I got.
    Anyway, Please clarify me about username with his envato account. He will knock you and I need it urgent. I am getting bored.
  • Customer

    Posted by: eye71online, Mar 21, 2021 at 17:36 (3 year ago)

    He convinced me and make me decide to buy this theme otherwise I didn't buy it. I liked your theme. I think the main problem, you made this with elementor pro but the theme comes with elementor free version that's why this customization is a bit confusing and not user friednly.

    At the end, a feedback will be provided, so, I think I can make a good feedback.
  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 23, 2021 at 02:45 (3 year ago)

    I hope that you will understand the problem here. Because you are the one who purchased the theme, you got the purchase code so you are the person who can submit a ticket here if you need any help. Your friend just the one who helps you to manage the theme as your decision and he will not able to submit the ticket here if he does not have the license key of this theme.
    So, in conclusion, do you need to support anything of this theme? What is your issue? Please take the screenshot, provide me your admin account then I will help you to check

    Thank you!


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