• Customer

    Problems with Header and Footer customization & editing Shop page

    Posted by: fostock Mar 13, 2021 at 10:21 (3 year ago)
    Hi all.

    Currently, I have faced two main problems.

    [Problem 1] Header and Footer setting
    - Based on this document, (https://help.kutethemes.com/docs/organic/customize-header-settings/) I was trying to customize header, footer, and social. But there is no section that I can find, unlike the document.

    - So I have set Header and Footer by using "Ovic Panel > Theme Options > Header / Footer".
    I have set Header with Header 07, and Footer with Footer 07. (And I have updated Footer 07 design by using elementor)

    However weird situation occurred. Currently, I have home & shop pages only, and the Footer in home and shop are different.
    - Header and Footer in home : Footer is not shown at all
    - Header and Footer in shop : Footer is not shown well properly what I've expected.

    [Problem 2] Can not edit Shop page using elementor
    I am trying to edit Shop page by using elementor but I have faced the error message, "sorry, the content area was not found in your page. You must call 'the_content' function in the current template, in order for Elementor to work on this page".

    So I was trying to add the code snippet (to prevent the code erasing after themes updates), but I am not sure to which part I have to add the "the_content".

    Or is there any other way to fix it?

    Thanks for your support in advance. :)

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 15, 2021 at 04:22 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @fostock

    Thanks for contacting the support service. I would like to give you the exact answer to your questions:

    Problem 1:
    - You are using the template of Elementor for this theme so the settings have some difference.
    About the sticky > header, yes, you can set up this section in Theme Options to get the result. You did it.
    - Footer: Now it shows the same Footer for your Homepage and Shop page:

    You can tick here to show: https://prnt.sc/10luhh1

    Problem 2: Can not edit Shop page using the Elementor template
    The Shop page is the page of Woo. So it will not have the_content. If you want to edit, you have to build it into a blank page. After that, you select that page to be the Shop page in the settings of Woo.

    Hope you understand.


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