• Customer

    woocommerce and WPML issue

    Posted by: Noldastudio Mar 8, 2021 at 20:39 (3 year ago)
    Hi guys,

    its about your template on a domain: https://www.guilt-free.hr/ i was testing something on subdomain gf.motivacija.hr but I erased and it doesent exist any more so please everything you do please check on https://www.guilt-free.hr/

    1. I installed WPML plugin and after that page crashed as you can see in attach.

    Also, prices are not visible but when I deactivate WPML Multilingual CMS prices are back?

    2. Product is going under object and shoud go above? https://www.guilt-free.hr/

    3. On first megamenu product is wider when you mouse over and it should be the same width?

    Can you please help and fix the issues?

    Thnx a lot

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 10, 2021 at 04:14 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @Noldastudio

    I sent your issues to my coder. He is checking then I will inform you when I get his answer

    Thanks for your patience!
  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 12, 2021 at 09:41 (3 year ago)

    Now I get the feedback:

    1. It seems that you still do not use the WPML plugin with SEO plugin. He says that you should check again if you still do not translate your back end in your language you use or not. The reason is also because of the plugin SEO.
    You should check again the settings in the plugin woo wpml

    2. DONE. My coder has added the CSS code to hide this icon

    3. It is because you use the wrong layout for this product on the Mega menu. On the demo site, we used style 28. You use style 06

    Pls check again then let me know



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