• Customer

    Demo theme and dummy data import problem

    Posted by: serhataslan Mar 8, 2021 at 06:30 (3 year ago)

    We purchased the Moozo theme. We want to use furniture 10 theme as a base, I follow the steps mentioned here (https://moozo.kutethemes.net/document/), but after loading the demo data, in step 2, I change the theme I want (https://moozo.kutethemes.net/home) -46 /) I can't find it. and I can't upload dummy data. can you please help

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 9, 2021 at 02:11 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @serhataslan

    I've checked your site. I guess that you still do not install successfully this theme yet. And I would like to help you to import the homepage you want.
    I see this element is quite low: https://prnt.sc/10glalf
    You should raise it up so that it can upload full folders, files in the theme package. It is in the file PHP.ini
    You can ask the hosting manager to help you

    Then let me know. I will try again


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