• Customer

    Theme Core Plugins blocking additional resources

    Posted by: sotb0rlando Mar 6, 2021 at 00:37 (3 year ago)
    I have had to disable all the core plugins twice to figure out why other things stop working as they should. The first was woocommerce upsell and cross-sell search would not work while Ovic plugins active. At least that conflict was not with one I absolutely require. Now the event calendar pro and event ticket plus tools do not work with the Ovic Theme Toolkit active, when I turn it off they work fine but then I lose the footer of the site and any ability to customize the theme options. Please help.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 6, 2021 at 09:40 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @sotb0rlando

    You mean that the problem will occur on these 2 sites: https://nanoglowacademy.com and https://nanoglowdev1.wpengine.com/ and you want to fix the problem on the second one?
    We will just support only one domain for a client. So please let me know exactly the domain you get the issue, and help me to take the screenshots of the problem. Then we will check for you

  • Customer

    Posted by: sotb0rlando, Mar 6, 2021 at 13:47 (3 year ago)

    I reply to this via email. Please fix it on the nanoglowdev1.wpengine.com and tell us what you did. We will fix it on the live site once we are sure it did not break anything else. We are driving a lot of traffic to the live site, they are exactly the same copies but the nanoglowdev1.wpengine.com is not being pushed traffic from SM and Google Ads. We just need you to explain what you updated and where so we can do it on the live enviorment. I was not asking you to work on two sites or two make the changes twice. But it will do us no good if we do not know what you did to fix it.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 8, 2021 at 09:26 (3 year ago)

    Okay I will just check the problems of the theme on this domain: https://nanoglowdev1.wpengine.com/
    So pls help me to take the screenshot of the problem you see. Then I will understand and check on your site.
    Thank you!


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