• Customer

    Appointments (woocommerce-appointments) not triggering site refresh and cart-update

    Posted by: phil1337 Mar 4, 2021 at 17:29 (3 year ago)
    We have woocommerce-appointment plugin installed along with Biolife 2.0.2.
    Everything elese works fine with ajax.

    But if we add an appointment-product to the cart by clicking the "book now" button in the plugin widget, nothing happens.
    When we then refresh the page using the browser-refresh, the item appears in the cart.

    With Biolife 1.1.4 it works:
    - after clicking "book now"
    - the site reloads and
    - a element "woocommerce-notices-wrapper" appears on top of the product details telling the product was added to cart.
    - also the cart updates.

    What can we do now?
    Thanks for help,

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 5, 2021 at 03:05 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @phil1337

    Could you please provide me your admin + FTP account?
    And take a screenshot, we will understand and check faster

    Thank you!


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