• Customer

    Need Some change

    Posted by: injamuljamil Mar 3, 2021 at 07:15 (3 year ago)
    hello, sorry, after your server issue, didn.t get your tecket reply, hopefully you are fine, website link: shopperstale.com
    1) after changing header layout, header text and elements are too large and looking so odd, can you please fix this thing
    2) i requested to created a Registration and log in using Facebook & gmail.
    3) Please watch the attachment, can these 2 picture's elements apply in our theme? please don't say no: i am describing you about the features.
    -in mobile screen foother, there will be Account, Shop, Circled logo like attachment, Call option & Cart option
    -in picture 2, there'll be a submit option just after the landing page, people can send their link and image and submit them in out email.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Mar 4, 2021 at 04:10 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @injamuljamil

    I've checked again your 2 last tickets. I already replied to these tickets 1 month ago. Didn't you get it/

    About your requirements:
    1. This is the header I see on your site: https://prnt.sc/10clqar So what did you change? I will try then check again. Or pls check again and take the screenshot about the difference

    2. Do you want to add this option for the Login / Register on the header?

    3. All these ideas belong to the customized job. Because in the default design, we do not have these options. When you want to add your ideas, we have to style again and change the default style of the theme. So hope you understand



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