• Customer

    Problem with customization

    Posted by: creoadv Feb 25, 2021 at 07:58 (3 year ago)
    Hi there,
    I have some problems whit the configuration of theme:

    1. I have set the header 1, but I can change the left top menù but not the right side.
    Wher I can chenge social, language currency or admin menù?
    2. I have set the footer 7 but in the pages i don't see the footer that I have set.
    3. In the home I see all elements duplicated, but if I modify with elementor (backend) i don't see twice elements, in the frontend instead yes. Why?
    4. Where I can change the elements of mobile version?

    Best regards

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Feb 26, 2021 at 08:29 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @creoadv

    1. Header: You can change here:
    - https://prnt.sc/107fxbt => https://prnt.sc/107fxu3
    - https://prnt.sc/107g4qm => This is not the menu so you cannot change it. If your site is not a multilanguage site, you can disable this mode: https://prnt.sc/107g5nr then this part will not display on your header
    - https://prnt.sc/107g6dy => This is the Account information. If you do not log in, this will be login/register. So what do you want to change this? You want to remove it?

    2. The Footer 07 is showing on your site: https://prnt.sc/107fveh

    3. I don't see the duplicated content. Could you please take the screenshot?

    4. Please let me know which content you want to change on the mobile version.

    Thank you!


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