• Customer

    Problems with YITH Wishlist Premium (or any other wishlist plugin)

    Posted by: josemalquijay Feb 13, 2021 at 02:46 (3 year ago)
    We have a premium version of the YITH wishlist , so we installed it but is not working. The layout is not right and no popups or anything are showing as it is supposed to.
    We also tried other wishlist plugins but for some reason it only works with the yith free version.

    So we needed to see if you help us to either disable all related to the free yith wishlist in order to have the premium one installed or you can take a look on the premium one to test it. Please let us know. Thanks in advance

  • Customer

    Posted by: josemalquijay, Feb 13, 2021 at 05:16 (3 year ago)

    * Update: We manage to "fix" the issue but really is not working.
    We can not give you access now since the client needs to check the site but please for more users or new cases, check the issues with the plugins we mentioned ,mostly with the popups or things like that because they dont work. Thanks! we can close this ticket.
  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Feb 14, 2021 at 07:16 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @josemalquijay

    Oh I see. My team will check if the demo site has the same problem.
    So we will close this ticket. If you have other issues, pls submit a new one. We will check for you

    Thank you so much!


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