• Customer

    footer not editable on wpbakery + multilanguage

    Posted by: bearinmindstudio Feb 11, 2021 at 10:48 (3 year ago)
    I have the same problem as mentioned before in an other ticket,

    I got wpbakery version of the theme and the edit footer is on elementor, the footer code is on wpbakery though

    I want to work only with wpbakery,

    also when i change footer on theme options it doesn't work

    lastly I want to make it multi language and add just a second language, can I use Polylang.?

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Feb 12, 2021 at 04:22 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @bearinmindstudio

    - Footer Builder: DONE. Now you can edit with all the shortcodes there: https://prnt.sc/z68qml
    The reason is that you did not set up for the WPBakery Page Builder: https://prnt.sc/z68tyz

    - If your site is multi-language, you can use the plugin WPML. This is the paid plugin and it can translate into multi-languages at the same time
    If not, you can use the Loco plugin. This is the free plugin and you can translate all the remaining texts. The theme supports these plugins. The other one, we cannot test all plugins so we also need the time to understand how it works. Hope you understand!

  • Customer

    Posted by: bearinmindstudio, Feb 26, 2021 at 11:05 (3 year ago)

    I can edit the footer now with wpbakery but when I select a different footer in theme options it doesn't work, it still uses the default one

    also can I translate footer strings (for example CONTACT US) with loco translate? I did in theme translation, added my language and the string in the template but it doesnt appear translated
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Feb 27, 2021 at 03:44 (3 year ago)

    Could you pls provide me the protected account also: https://prnt.sc/1082zij
    And take the screenshot about your issue, I will check faster. Thank you!


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