• Customer

    Money back URGENT

    Posted by: TremdeOZ Feb 10, 2021 at 11:45 (3 year ago)
    Yame, this is very serious because I have a deadline to deliver the online store.

    I bought the Armania theme and I don't want it anymore, it has a lot of bugs and I want my money back. How do I do? It's 88 dollars, very expensive.

    The header does not work properly, there is no Brazilian currency, the footer does not give the normal options for changes and I do not have time to correct all of this.


  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Feb 12, 2021 at 04:01 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @TremdeOZ

    Do you receive my reply on this ticket: https://support.kutethemes.com/topic/show-topic/75242?

    I already guided you. And because you still enable the Meta box mode so some settings in Theme options do not apply on your site.
    Now I see it works. Just check again then take the screenshots of all problems on your site. It will be easier for me to check for you
    Thank you!



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