• Customer

    Demo pages and data NOT importing. Need Demo 18

    Posted by: HuardTech Jan 11, 2021 at 22:41 (3 year ago)
    I have installed BioLife theme version 2.0 using FTP. There are No demos at all and do not believe version 2.0 that I downloaded on ThemeForest is the last version.

    I have tried for 2 days now...Can anyone install lastest BioLife version with all data/content of demo 18 ?

    The FTP info is below.

  • Customer

    Posted by: HuardTech, Mar 5, 2021 at 00:28 (3 year ago)

    Thanks for the previous post ! It was useful.

    Here are 2 more:
    1- Here is the top header https://prnt.sc/10d9oqa, as you can see it is French, but there are 3 items on the top left header that remain English. Where do I go to translate these 3 items so that they change from English to French ?

    2- I tried to upgrade the Biolife theme to version 2.03 - but still saying version 2.02. Can you help to upgrade it to 2.03 ?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 5, 2021 at 03:03 (3 year ago)

    - Free Shipping over $75: My coder is checking because this text is in Theme Options
    The other texts: DONE. I translated in WPML > Themes > Biolife: https://prnt.sc/10dcl6h

    - Update theme: Just backup all your changes/customization on the Main theme or move all to the Child theme > then deactivate the current theme version then upload the new one. Did you do this?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 5, 2021 at 08:37 (3 year ago)

    - Free shipping text: My coder has updated Theme Options for you and now you can switch to each language to translate this sentence: https://prnt.sc/10dj66a
    Also, you should update the theme to the latest version (2.0.3) because in this version, we fixed the problem of translation.
    My coder updated Theme Options for you but you still need to update the theme

    Pls check then let me know
  • Customer

    Posted by: HuardTech, Mar 7, 2021 at 23:50 (3 year ago)

    Hi Yame,

    1- I was able to update the theme biolife to 2.03 however they were missing some of my customization. So, as you suggested I created a biolife-child theme. Now that my site is set with a biolife-child will I be missing the 2.03 new features and will it keep up to date with new releases ? How do a child theme work?

    2- I need to know where I can update these two titles https://prnt.sc/10fnq70 - where are they translated or setup ?

  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 9, 2021 at 04:10 (3 year ago)

    1. So could you please list all the things you can customized and the customized files also. My coder will help you to check if all your changes are the same as the things we updated for the theme.

    2. I translated these texts in WPML > Themes > Biolife: https://prnt.sc/10dcl6h. You also should take the backup of the translation files.
  • Customer

    Posted by: HuardTech, Mar 9, 2021 at 23:12 (3 year ago)

    1- I decided to keep version 2.04 to ensure easy future updates. Now, by upgrading to 2.04, there is a grey banner https://prnt.sc/10hh7ry displaying the breadcrumb menu that appeared everywhere but the home page. I would like to remove it but keep the breadcrumb. Can this grey banner be turned off somewhere ?

    2- When the website is in French this https://prnt.sc/10hh8r7 remain in English. Where do I go to translate it ?

    3- We want to transform our current menu into a MegaMenu. The current documentation is out of date, can you create one megamenu as an example?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 13, 2021 at 09:56 (3 year ago)

    I already sent your questions to my coder. Let him check then I will inform you when I get the feedback
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Mar 17, 2021 at 09:13 (3 year ago)

    1. Remove the grey background:
    You can modify here: https://prnt.sc/10nyzcq
    The background-color: #888, you can replace by the color you want. Or you can add the css in Theme Options.

    2. Translate:
    You can translate in WPML > Themes. Please search each of text:

    3. Please refer to this document to understand how it works: https://biolife.kutethemes.net/documentation/documentation/faqs-elementor-template/how-to-create-mega-menu/



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