• Customer

    License activation of Visual Composer

    Posted by: davoudbagheri Jan 7, 2021 at 18:43 (3 year ago)
    I have activated my theme, and install all plug-ins.
    After activating visual composer, it wants me to active it's license, how we can active it?
    Please help me about this.
    With Regards.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jan 11, 2021 at 01:40 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @davoudbagheri

    For these, they mean that you should add the license keys or purchase the plugins to get your own keys.
    It does not affect your site, don't worry. The key is just able to apply for only one domain and we used it for the demo site already. So if there is any update, we will update for the demo site then our customers can update for their site later.
    In case if you want to get an update automatically, you can purchase the key on your own. So one more time, don't worry about this. Just dismiss the warning then continue your work.



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