• Customer

    mobile/tablet version not like in demo

    Posted by: athiess Jan 7, 2021 at 11:46 (3 year ago)
    Hello, In Biolife theme the mobile/tablet (HOME 06) doesn't look like in demo. I would like it exactly like in demo, the colours and order of showing items. Can you help me?

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jan 8, 2021 at 09:55 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @athiess

    Please provide me your admin + FTP account.
    And take the screenshots for the locations you see the problem. I will access your site then help you to check

  • Customer

    Posted by: athiess, Jan 13, 2021 at 09:32 (3 year ago)

    hello! sending the request items!

    1. the HOME 06 theme (biolife) , on MOBILE doesn't look like in mobile demo. I need the exact colours and order of elements exactly like in mobile demo BIOLIFE -HOME 06
    2. the dropdown of how many products shop will show, I want like in demo. You have 2 printscreens attached.
    3. after installations I have NO OVIC ELEMENT in my dasboard theme. I need to find how to manage the banners. Can you tell me why?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jan 14, 2021 at 08:43 (3 year ago)


    1. DONE
    2. You took the screenshot from the template of Elementor of this theme. You can see here: https://biolife.kutethemes.net/shop/ This is the VC template of the Biolife theme so we have a different style
    3. Which banner do you want to manage? Please let me know then I will guide you
  • Customer

    Posted by: athiess, Jan 18, 2021 at 08:14 (3 year ago)

    Disappointed because You didn't reply for a long time....
    I managed to resolve some of the problems by my own.....

    Tell me how to make the headder look like in demo. I send screenshoots
  • Customer

    Posted by: athiess, Jan 14, 2021 at 13:13 (3 year ago)

    1. the HOME 06 theme (biolife) , on MOBILE doesn't look like in mobile demo. I need the exact colours and order of elements exactly like in mobile demo BIOLIFE -HOME 06 NOT RESOLVED

    you just changed the colour back in yellow. I can do that!
    I need exacly this: https://biolife.kute-themes.net/home-06/ ON MOBILE view on my site: https://imageprint.ro/
    I sent screenshots

    problem 2 : how can I put there my own numbers: 9, 15, 30, 90, and ALL

    Problem 3: All the Banners in site must be changed. I sell other things, not vegetables. Where can I find the banners to make my own changes. I REPEAT: THE DOCUMENTATTION OF THE THEME SAID TO GO ON OVIC ELEMENTS! I DO NOT HAVE THAT!
  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jan 19, 2021 at 09:50 (3 year ago)

    OMG. I checked all your screenshots and I think I replied :(
    The ticket was pushed down and I have a lot of requirements. I am so sorry.
    1. You are taking the screenshots from https://biolife.kute-themes.net/home-06/ This Biolife theme is using the Elementor template
    Your site is from here: https://biolife.kutethemes.net/home-06/ This Biolife theme is using the VC template. That's why I just can change the color for your site

    2. I am asking the coder

    3. When you edit your page: https://prnt.sc/x78uu8 you will be able to change the banners on the homepage

    4. You want to have the same header as the demo. Let see: You are taking the screenshot from this demo: https://prnt.sc/x7ak8z
    But this is the demo that you site installed the theme: https://prnt.sc/x7and0 It is a different demo, do you see it?



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