• Customer

    Payment section not visible on mobile phone

    Posted by: bibbi_wolmestam Dec 11, 2020 at 10:39 (3 year ago)
    Hi there! All looks good on my computer, but on the mobile phone the payment section at the check out page is not visible - just a long blank field. It is however visible on mobile phones with larger display - if you tilt the phone. Do you have any suggestions how to solve this? With my Klarna checkout integration is it a side by side design, but it should work stacked!

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Dec 13, 2020 at 10:26 (3 year ago)

    Hi, 2bibbi_wolmestam

    Could you please take the screenshots for your issues? And provide me again with your admin + FTP account, then my coder will check for you.



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