• Customer

    Adjusting mobile version

    Posted by: Noldastudio Nov 21, 2020 at 21:39 (3 year ago)
    Hi guys,

    1. Where can I adjust a mobile version as desktop version. i want to change logo and color of top bar? Also where can I move woo commerc icons at the bottom of the mobile version? - screen 1

    2. On home1 demo. I am not going to use web shop so how can I move woo commerce icons in header and change it to vertical menu? - screen2

    Thnx a lot

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Nov 24, 2020 at 10:04 (3 year ago)

    Hi, @Noldastudio

    Your admin account is not correct: https://prnt.sc/vp0eat
    Please check again then provide the correct one then I will help you to check

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Nov 25, 2020 at 15:31 (3 year ago)

    Thanks, I got your accounts in another ticket and I will reply to this ticket so that I will able to control your issue easily

    1. I still see that on the mobile version, it is showing your logo image: https://prnt.sc/vpxfjx
    Change header color on the mobile version: This color is getting the main color you set in Theme Options. You can change the main color there.
    In case you want to keep the main color in Theme Options and still want to change this color section on the mobile version, you can change the css code here: https://prnt.sc/vpxkjd. Add the css code in the custom css in Theme Options > change the color as you want and remember to back up the code when you update the theme.

    2. Do you mean that you want to remove that menu then replace by the vertical menu there? I am sorry that I don't understand this



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