• Customer

    demo import does not work

    Posted by: mark9001 Nov 18, 2020 at 11:25 (3 year ago)
    Hi, I hope you will resolve my problem, I can't import demo like in another case I saw in this post posthttps://support.kutethemes.com/topic/show-topic/72000
    So I did everything like in the video, following any instruction, installing any plug in mensionated, importer etc.. I try to install on a different website the problem it's the same, I reset all on my website, but I think it's a theme problem.
    I hope it is a easy problem to fix, hopefully in a fast respond, I say thank you in advance

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Nov 19, 2020 at 03:11 (3 year ago)

    Hi @mark9001,

    Please provide me your admin + FTP account of your site. And let me know the homepage you want.
    I will check then help you to re-install this theme

  • Customer

    Posted by: mark9001, Nov 19, 2020 at 19:48 (3 year ago)

    THank you but I solved with an assistant,

    Can I have the header editable with elementor? Please, or I need to pay another assistant to get to modify or make the new one like that. If you can't I think it will be better if I get money back with a refund, because I'm losing time and money to make everything new especially the header. I upload everything on elementor but I don't have the header .json

  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Nov 23, 2020 at 03:46 (3 year ago)

    I used to reply to this ticket @@
    I was asking about the things you want to edit.
    I would like to recommend that the headers are styled according to the default design of this theme. The theme will just have the builder for body and Footer parts. However, there are some elements that you can change on the Header. So please take the screenshots then I will help you to check

    Thank you!
  • Customer

    Posted by: mark9001, Nov 23, 2020 at 12:58 (3 year ago)

    So thank you for replay, so I want change the menù because I put logo but I prefer to could move menú to left o right when I want or need . Also I want delete menú languages, values, because I need website just in Italian with eur, if I delete it menú languages, website looks with header broken. Also I'd like to remove header and maybe make a new one with elementor to get personalised when I want o need it.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Nov 24, 2020 at 03:00 (3 year ago)

    Just take the screenshots to explain better and then provide me your admin account, I will help you to check for you.
    This is the menu on your site: https://prnt.sc/votdlj and what you want to do, just mark on the right place then explain, I will understand better. Thanks!


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