• Customer

    Most popular gallery plugin "Gallery NextGEN" not working with Biolife Theme

    Posted by: tomaspucutay Nov 2, 2020 at 16:32 (3 year ago)
    I'm finishing building my page with Biolife Theme, but there is a serious problem when I want to activate "Gallery NextGEN" that affects a lot the user experience customers got.

    I already used the plugin to upload all my images but is currently deactivated, even with that my images continues working and there's no error. I realize that's the source of error because something was not working and I deactivate all the plugins and was activating one-by-one

    I'll describe the 2 scenarios. With plugin and without plugin.

    Without "NextGEN" activated:
    - In shop page, when I click add to cart button, it appears loading icon and after that, a message confirmation that the product was added, thats correct and works on any device and resolution. That's very normal

    With "NextGEN" activated:
    - Same situation but doesn't work on any device. When I click add to cart button, it appears loading icon and after that, a message confirmation that the product was added. It works on desktop (laptop and PC), even works on all resolutions, if I simulate from desktop the mobile resolution it works. But whenever I try to do the same with smartphones or tablets, the result is after click add to cart is stuck forever in the loading icon and no message confirmation of added product appears, as UX thats terrible because customers can think their product is not being added. but even with no message confirmation when I visit cart page the product is added. I already tried in 3 smartphones with chrome browser and 1 tablet with safari browser.

    I have currently the plugin deactivate but I need it activate to continue adding images without interfering customer process. I can't do it due to the explained error.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Nov 3, 2020 at 01:24 (3 year ago)

    Hi @tomaspucutay,

    Please check again your URL. We cannot access your site.
    And please take the screenshots to explain your issues. I will understand and check faster

    Thank you!


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