• Customer

    Menu & Icons description

    Posted by: swift3113 Nov 1, 2020 at 22:36 (3 year ago)
    Hello There !

    I have 4 problems, that I can't solve from few days..

    1. As you can see on my website, is problem with menu displaying...I would love to display it like on your demo. so the menu "wszystkie kategorie" on polish version looks terrible, it goes down for a whole site. If you can change it for me and show me how you Guys doing it - I will be thankful !:)

    2. I would love to have descriptions over woocommerce icons - on mobile and on desktop...

    Cart - "Koszyk" (PL) / "Warenkorb" (Germany)
    My wishlist - "Ulubione" (PL) / "Merkzettel" (Germany)
    This website is going to be visited by old people also, they need to know what does it mean - the icons:)

    3. I can't translate on mobile my mobile menu...
    Polish - "Your Cart" should be "Twój koszyk" and "menu" -> "Menu"
    Germany - "Your Cart" should be "Warenkorb" and "Speisekarte" should be "Menu"

    4. Can't add the Language Switcher just on the left side of the Woocommerce icons - on mobile and on desktop...if you can help me, cause on mobile ppl have to go menu and then switch. I would love to have it just on the left side of the woocommerce icons, up on the site :)

    Thanks for your help !
    WIth Regards,

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Nov 2, 2020 at 04:20 (3 year ago)

    Hi @swift3113,

    1. Please refer to this video. I made an example on your site. Just follow this and do the same for yours: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TgWXQUS6cuzuS0Dd6polVDoxdFz6YWAq/view?usp=sharing

    2. - In PL: DONE https://prnt.sc/vbjikh
    - IN Germany: I see that this page is being in the process of translation: https://prnt.sc/vbjj0t So when it is done, please edit the text here: https://prnt.sc/vbjj94

    3. My coder is checking. I will inform you when I get his answer

    4. I see it is here: https://prnt.sc/vbjkzb

  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Nov 2, 2020 at 06:44 (3 year ago)

    3. The texts are translated in both languages:
    - polski: https://prnt.sc/vbllbe
    - germany: https://prnt.sc/vblli9
  • Customer

    Posted by: swift3113, Nov 2, 2020 at 14:43 (3 year ago)

    so 2.
    Polish https://prnt.sc/vbllbe - "Your Cart" have to be "Twój koszyk" and "menu" = "Menu" just from big letter- it's not translated, can't find the string...same as in germany = Speisekarte have to be "Menu"


    I want the language switcher in other place, as you can see on screenshot where, and the description of icons UNDER them :) I saw it on many pages !:)

    thanks for help with rest of things !! made well!!
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Nov 3, 2020 at 03:13 (3 year ago)

    2. DONE. All the texts are translated:

    3. When you want to show the language switcher, it will just display on the left corner of the header. Maybe you are modifying your site because I added this for you and now it does not show anymore.


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