• Customer

    Last Turan update

    Posted by: ArkonaPS Oct 22, 2020 at 16:26 (3 year ago)
    HI. I have a question.. after last update (today) Turan theme on my website suddenly my website has changed color from black to white.. and other changes (for example related product on homepage are much more bigger than before update etc..) i checked settings and there looks everything ok.. so i dont know where is the problem? please can you help me? Documentation link is also not working.. Thank you!!

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Oct 23, 2020 at 02:20 (3 year ago)

    Hi @ArkonaPS,

    Could you please provide me your admin + FTP account/
    And take the screenshots for your issues. We will check faster

    Awaiting your reply
  • Customer

    Posted by: ArkonaPS, Oct 25, 2020 at 21:34 (3 year ago)

    Hi. I managed to change the color to black as well as the logo only after installing "Ovic Panel" and set it there.. Don't understand the need for duplicate settings? I am also confused in the overall design setup..for example:
    1. I have set a banner on the Store page (also in duplicate in KT and Ovic Panel), but it is not displayed
    2.I want to see the latest products on the Home page. When I use WP Bakery - Related Products, 1 product is displayed below it, even though I set 4 in a row. When I use the Ovic: Products option, 4 appears in a row, but they are not really the latest products..etc ..
    3. the menu in the mobile phone does not respond
    4. Which settings are superior? Those in Turan theme or Ovic or settings? Where can I find a helpful report? Well thank you! /sorry i am not any webmaster just self-taught who is looking for more intuitive steps ../
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Oct 26, 2020 at 03:04 (3 year ago)

    I just see the FTP account. I do not see the admin account.
    Pls provide it and help me to take the screenshots for all your issues, I will check faster. Thank you!


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