• Customer

    Posted by: yame, Oct 20, 2020 at 04:04 (3 year ago)

    Hi @ramirezninoleo,

    I installed the translation plugin: Loco for you. And now, please focus on these:
    1. Translate in Loco > Themes > Biolife:
    - https://prnt.sc/v2qb1y => https://prnt.sc/v2qaxn
    - https://prnt.sc/v2qbcw => https://prnt.sc/v2qbgl
    - https://prnt.sc/v2qc0k
    - https://prnt.sc/v2qd8d => https://prnt.sc/v2qdcp

    2. https://prnt.sc/v2qcej => in Theme Options: https://prnt.sc/v2qcja And remember to disable the Meta box option if you want to apply all settings in Theme Options for your site (Edit your homepage, scroll down then you will see this mode: https://prnt.sc/v2qcxw)

    3. https://prnt.sc/v2qmqu => Edit in Footer Builder 02: https://prnt.sc/v2qmvp

    Pls check again then let me know if you have any texts. Mark on those texts then I will pay attention



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