• Customer

    Hello! Beginner

    Posted by: swift3113 Oct 17, 2020 at 20:40 (3 year ago)
    Hey !:) I have a question....if you can take a look on my website.

    So can I make (ofc I will edit graphic etc.) the homepage that shows after click on link as my homepage - but I can't find info, where I can edit this one? Can I make it so or need to make it from beginn? It's the demo that I edited - can I do it like this?

    Can you help me with remove from my wordpress all the files from other demos? Would love to leave just this one.

    How can I edit my footer and header? It seems like I changed logo, but on homepage it's not showing, only on the other pages.

    Thanks for your support

  • Customer

    Posted by: swift3113, Oct 17, 2020 at 20:44 (3 year ago)

    So I found how can I change the logo - it's okay now.

    Only problem I have it's how to edit footer and header now, if you can help me :)
  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Oct 19, 2020 at 02:01 (3 year ago)

    Hi @swift3113,

    In order to apply the Header and Footer in Theme Options to your site, you have to disable the Meta Box mode in Custom Theme options: https://prnt.sc/v1zmv5 (edit your homepage then scroll down, you will see this). Then all the settings in Theme Options will be applied to your site.
    I tried this and select the Footer: https://prnt.sc/v1znai. Now it works on your site: https://prnt.sc/v1znfj

    Pls check it again then let me know
  • Customer

    Posted by: swift3113, Oct 19, 2020 at 10:14 (3 year ago)

    I'd like to ask 2 more questions..so the first one is how can I duplicate my ready sites, so I can use double language? is there any addon that works good with this theme? I want to make PL and DE site, so want to have the same copy, but just with translated woocommerce and edit texts by myslef.

    I use atm. Weglot plugin, but it seems like I can't change products that shows only on Polnisch and another products showing on Deutsch website.

    I have 1 more question, cause my mobil version have small error. While using Weglot plugin on polnisch website works everything fine, but on Germany version I have a problem. See a screenshot - the mobile navi menu doesn't work in product categories - on other sites it's working well. I add a screenshot so you can see what I mean.

    THANKS for replay, you helpped me with that thing :)
  • Customer

    Posted by: swift3113, Oct 19, 2020 at 10:25 (3 year ago)

    and 1 more question, if I can change in anyway the styles ? for example "style 12" would love to have other colors or something?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Oct 21, 2020 at 09:07 (3 year ago)

    Your admin account is not correct: https://prnt.sc/v3o1cs
    Also, if you want to use the multi-language, you can use the WPML plugin. This is the paid plugin. And it can translate automatically for you into the languages you want.
    Just check again the admin account then let me know. I will help you to check the remaining issues.


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