• Customer

    Translation issues and some other things

    Posted by: bibbi_wolmestam Oct 4, 2020 at 12:10 (3 year ago)
    1. I have some translation issues. I have used Loco but I cant find where to translate "Your cart" at the upper right and the "Subscribe" button just above the footer. Where can I find this text to translate?
    2. The upper right cart row overflows to two rows when there is a greater amount than 4 digits. How can this be fixed?
    3. On the cart page: images disappear when updating cart. Can this be fixed? How do I do it?
    4. I accidentally deleted the cart page and when restored it changed name to cart__trashed. This I can change, but the cart button on the popup from the "Your cart" is linked to cart__trashed. Where do I change this? (just looks really bad!)
    5. The newsletter field just above the footer, how do I manage the email address etc? How do I manage the social media icons? Cant find this anywhere...
    6. The footer area, is it really meant to be managed by hard code? Or where do I manage this?
    7. When I hover the products, the "add to cart" button is red with gray text/icon - not very visible. How do I manage this?

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Oct 5, 2020 at 08:45 (3 year ago)

    Hi @bibbi_wolmestam,

    I got you. Because I deleted your previous ticket so I would not see the screenshots anymore.
    So you can provide again in the Secret information box, or contact me via Skype id: vetyame
    I will support directly for you



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