• Customer

    Logancee theme - (post?) installation problems

    Posted by: peppericci Sep 29, 2020 at 12:47 (3 year ago)
    Hi, I have installed the Logancee theme using the quickstart.
    Everything seems to work but I have various malfunctions: in the backend some menu items do not have the domain in the link, the same happens when saving the changes, I cannot install additional plugins etc.
    These are the installation information: PrestaShop: PHP: 7.3.22 MySQL: 10.3.22-MariaDB
    Localization: EN, FR, IT

    On another server I installed prestashop in Italian, adding after the English language and localization. If I try to add the theme I get this error "Si è verificato un errore inaspettato. [PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Theme\Exception\ThemeConstraintException codice 2]"
    These are the installation information: PrestaShop: PHP: 7.3.22 MySQL: 10.1.44-MariaDB
    Localization: IT, EN

    Can you help me to solve?
    Thanks in advance

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Oct 1, 2020 at 01:03 (3 year ago)

    Hi @peppericci,

    Could you please provide me your admin + FTP account of your site?
    And take the screenshots to describe your questions. My coder will take a look and help you to check

    Awaiting your reply...
  • Customer

    Posted by: peppericci, Oct 1, 2020 at 22:10 (3 year ago)

    Tnx for your disposability.
    I've solved unzipping first the theme version that I wanted install and then zipping the file to create a new installation file.
    to be safe, I did a new installation, it seems work!

  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Oct 3, 2020 at 10:56 (3 year ago)

    That's great, Peppe.
    So do you need any assistance on this ticket?
    May I close it? You can submit a new one and provide me your admin + FPT account, take the screenshots then we will help you to check

    Have a nice weekend.


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