• Customer

    some CSV custimization for Mega Menu and login page

    Posted by: egypttrotter Sep 17, 2020 at 13:02 (3 year ago)
    First I would like to thank you for all the help, the website is doing great.
    I will just need some further customization

    1) We want to make our main menu (mega menu) fit the whole page fullwidth and not just the menu space. See picture 1 and 2. we have tried using max width = 100% but not working. Also the problem is that with this size it appears bigger on smaller screens and smaller on bigger screens and it is not centered to the screen.
    2) in the customer login/register page, we would like to make the username and password box the same size of the facebook and google login boxes. See picture 3. link of the page : https://marcqa.com/account/
    3) we would also like to have two separate pages for login and register. with a link linking the two. Is this possible ? A single page with both login and register option is very ugly.

    Thanks a lot and have a great day !

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Sep 19, 2020 at 04:07 (3 year ago)

    Hi @egypttrotter,

    I understand the 1 and 2 :D
    Could you please take the screenshot for no.3? Then I will send all your requirements to my coder, he will check for you

    Awaiting your reply

  • Customer

    Posted by: egypttrotter, Sep 19, 2020 at 07:36 (3 year ago)


    I mean, having two separate oages for Login and for Register instead being on the same page.
    See picture.
    Thanks a Lot !

  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Sep 21, 2020 at 02:00 (3 year ago)

    I got it. My coder is checking your site. I will let you know when he gives me the answer

    Thank you!
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Sep 22, 2020 at 02:14 (3 year ago)

    1. Because you forgot to add this class: ".megamenu-wrap" in the menu to make it to be responsive: https://prnt.sc/ulhmk7
    My coder has added for you

    2. DONE. My coder has added the css code in the Theme Options, the line from 23 to 26. You should backup this css code if you want to update the theme in the future

    3. There is no way. Woo just has only a unique shortcode for both Login and Register. Hope you understand

    Pls check your site again then let me know
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