• Customer

    Theme ready for enhanced Ecommerce tracking (with goolge tag manager)?

    Posted by: Plaants Sep 13, 2020 at 16:14 (3 year ago)
    Dear kutethemes team,

    we tried to setup the enhanced Ecommerce tracking with goolge tag manager.

    We used the plugin google tag manager ( https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/duracelltomi-google-tag-manager/ )

    But we have no data on gtm4wp.productClickEEC.

    Is the theme HealthyFood ready for enhanced Ecommerce tracking?

    Please review this article to make sure that every feature of the standard Storefront theme is supported:

    Thank you!

    Kind regards


  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Sep 17, 2020 at 10:06 (3 year ago)

    Hi @Plaants,

    For your question, I already sent to my coder if he could have any idea to help you.
    So, please provide your admin account. He needs to check your site then when he gives me the answer, I will let you know

    Thanks for your patience!
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Sep 17, 2020 at 10:33 (3 year ago)

    I've got the answer
    We have never used this plugin because we just develop the theme and support the included plugins in the theme package. So when you want to use the third-party plugin, we just can help you to check. We do not support it. Or you can ask for the author to get the assistance

    Thank you!


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