• Customer

    Social Login and its Privacy Policy

    Posted by: kazzakaren Sep 13, 2020 at 03:58 (3 year ago)
    How do I change the settings for the social login? Can I choose to use this or not and where is that setting?

    Also the privacy policy associated with the social login is not coherent. https://ocolus.kutethemes.net/privacy-policy/.

    Does this policy cover all the social logins and who is the responsible party for this social login policy? It looks like I as the site owner have no control over what's in it, nor should I because it involves third parties such as google, facebook and twitter.

    Please help me understand social login. I searched "social login' in the help tickets and have zero results.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Sep 15, 2020 at 10:32 (3 year ago)

    Hi @kazzakaren,

    - How do I change the settings for the social login? Can I choose to use this or not and where is that setting?
    => This is the plugin Super Socializer. You can set here: https://prnt.sc/uhkv90

    - Also the privacy policy associated with the social login is not coherent. https://ocolus.kutethemes.net/privacy-policy/.
    => This is just the page that we built demo, not real : )) You can build anything you want



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