• Customer

    Homepage Not Inheriting Logo/Color/etc Settings

    Posted by: kmolby Sep 4, 2020 at 19:00 (3 year ago)
    Hello Support-

    I tried installing the Armania theme like I normally do for Wordpress themes. However, I could not get the homepage to adopt the Carparts demo nor the theme settings. I un-installed everything and then re-installed the theme following your demo directions. Alas, I am still unable to get the homepage to adopt the colors/logo/etc settings, nor will the slider populate.

    All I want is to use the Carparts- Armania theme as my blueprint and then build off of that. Please help!

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Sep 6, 2020 at 03:49 (3 year ago)

    Hi @kmolby,

    Could you please provide me the correct admin + FTP account?
    We would like to check your site then will help you to re-install this theme with the homepage Carpart for you

    Awaiting your reply


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