• Customer

    functionality problems due to jquery wordpress update

    Posted by: egypttrotter Aug 24, 2020 at 15:40 (3 year ago)

    I have several issues with plugins not working properly because of a "jquery update" on wordpress. thanks to the support of plugins and after downloading the jquery migrate helper plugin some functionalities are working fine but some others still don't. Here is what a support guy from another plugin told me :

    Please check closely, you might be facing more functionality related issues in frontend due to jQuery update. Please contact the theme’s developers to see if they have an update, as this needs to be fixed at theme’s end.

    Do you have any idea how you can help with that ?

    Thank you for your support

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Aug 25, 2020 at 10:06 (3 year ago)

    Hi @egypttrotter,

    If you meet any problems with the theme, please take the screenshots then we will check for you
    Provide me your FTP account also

  • Customer

    Posted by: egypttrotter, Aug 25, 2020 at 13:23 (3 year ago)

    So, my problem is with a marketplace plugin I use (WCMP). It has a dashboard for vendors. when I click on several tabs in the dashboard it doesn't work. (see picture). The support from WCMP said that :
    "Hi egypttrotter,

    Most of the time, this type of issue is because of either plugin or theme conflict. To investigate further, you need to activate standard WooCommerce (Twenty/storefront) theme and check. For plugin conflict, please deactivate all plugins (except WooCommerce, WCMp and addons) and then activate each of them consecutively.

    Please perform this test on your testing site only, not live site , to avoid inconvenience. Kindly keep us posted with the update.

    Just to keep you informed regarding the below scenario-

    ” WordPress 5.5 has come-up with major jQuery update. As because it’s a major update and majority are facing issues- WordPress team was already aware of this situation and has released a plugin, to get immediate relief you can install it too- https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-jquery-migrate-helper/

    Meanwhile, Please check closely, you might be facing more functionality related issues in frontend due to jQuery update. Please contact the theme’s developers to see if they have an update, as this needs to be fixed at theme’s end. Kindly let us know otherwise. Will look into your matter with utmost priority.”


    Please note that I already have the jquery migrate helper plugins activated as I have had a similar issue with another plugin (wp bakery)

    I don't know how you can help or if you can confirm that there is a conflict between WCMP and the theme. you can find attached a screenshot of where the problem is on the vendor dashboard, my FTP info, my wordpress account

    Let me know if you need further info.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Aug 31, 2020 at 01:01 (3 year ago)

    I also sent your issue to my coder and I am waiting for his answer.
    Please be more patient. I will inform you immediately when I get his feedback. Thank you!
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Aug 31, 2020 at 10:52 (3 year ago)

    My coder said that you should provide your vendor's account + the screenshot to describe clearly the part you see the error (in your vendor's Dashboard) and mark on the place you see the error, then he would check again for you
  • Customer

    Posted by: egypttrotter, Aug 31, 2020 at 20:05 (3 year ago)

    Thank you very much. No worries for being patient. thank you again.

    So the support from WCMP took over my account to check the problem. If they fail to solve it or if they tell me that it should be solved by the theme support, I will get back to you with all the info you mentioned so that the coder can check.

    Besides that, can you ask the coder how to adjust the login and register box for customers accounts ?
    Link : https://marcqa.com/account/
    See picture. I want to make the username and password box (2) the same size as the facebook login box (1) for both desktop and other devices.

    Thank you a lot !
  • Customer

    Posted by: egypttrotter, Sep 1, 2020 at 10:21 (3 year ago)


    Follow up on my functionnality problem in the marketplace. As you can see in the video, the problem is that some buttons and functions do not work.
    The support from WCMP replied that the problem comes from the theme as you can also see in the video. https://www.loom.com/share/a1108d629f924be296be1f0f4113ce17.

    Here are more details about the error :
    ">> At your website, 2 js is not getting loaded as a result tab is not responsive. Today, by changing theme and decativating other plugins, we would give a try again to load the js

    Basically you should get this js- https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-5BvpXUczJaQ/X00E43lVSzI/AAAAAAAAAdM/vJuTPiAaT6Y32bRsGVEzZgiFWdw45mtPwCK8BGAsYHg/s0/actual.png

    But, this is what we are getting at your website- https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--tB-Md3GsqI/X00FB5Z7doI/AAAAAAAAAdY/MALlX-WyuCoDXxRijal75IsK2DyPVTkKQCK8BGAsYHg/s0/missing.png
    Please send this to your coder and let me know.

    Have a great day
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Sep 3, 2020 at 09:34 (3 year ago)

    Thank you. I also sent your accounts to my coder and he will check for you soon.
    I will inform you again when I get his answer. Thanks for your patience!


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