• Customer

    Header cannot be edited without coding

    Posted by: tarig85 Aug 7, 2020 at 08:48 (3 year ago)
    You have mentioned on the ad of your theme that no coding required, my question is how can i edit the header? there is no any plugin to edit the headers and even on the page body many titles built as headers and cannot be edited with the front end or backend of WPBakery builder!

    I want to make so many changes on the header and it is very difficult to keep opening a ticket every time i want to edit something on headers.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Aug 9, 2020 at 02:41 (3 year ago)

    Hi @tarig85,

    The theme just has the option to build for the homepage and Footer.
    We do not have the option to build Header. You just can change the style of Header in Theme Options. In case you want to modify the header as your idea, it will belong to the customized job. You can tell me clearly what you want then we will give you the budget.

    Thank you for your understanding


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