• Customer

    Color Options

    Posted by: Ofadana Jul 23, 2020 at 19:45 (3 year ago)
    Please where are color options for this theme?

    What I can only see from the theme options is MAIN COLOR which I set to to Orange and yet to see it in effect on my site.

    How do I go about editing header color, menu color, texts color and so on..... I have searched everywhere in the theme and couldn't find any here to do that.

    Will that be done via coding? If Yes, what if I have no knowledge on coding?

    Help with where color options are please.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jul 24, 2020 at 03:29 (3 year ago)

    Hi @Ofadana,

    In the Theme Options, you can set the Main Color for your site. And you can see some elements change color according to your settings. It means that these elements get the main color to show.
    The other places, if you want to change the color, you can take the screenshots, let me know the color code you want to replace. We will check and let you know the css code you have to add so that you can make the change

    Thank you!
  • Customer

    Posted by: Ofadana, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:26 (3 year ago)

    Nawao.. This theme should be easy enough to customized as costly as it is. So many Color options should be available for designers to easily play with. but it just has one place for color -MAIN Color. It's a great stress to start screenshoting where I need to change colors b4 getting the code from you guys. This was made for WP so it should be friendly and alot has to be customized without getting close to where coding is.

    I will take up the stress shaa just to give my client what he needs. I will get the screenshots of different parts of the site u should apply color - can I actually do this even?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 27, 2020 at 02:28 (3 year ago)

    You can take the screenshot for the location you want to change the main color. Then let me know. My coder will check and provide you the css code or the way to change that color


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