• Customer

    Thumbnail size, titles aligment and menu

    Posted by: litper Jul 20, 2020 at 15:06 (3 year ago)

    Some more questions (please check the pictures):
    1- Menu: How could I add menu to product, catalog and shop pages?
    2-Headline: How could I modify the green area of the headline? I want to remove shop cart icon (not using it since my site is going to be an affiliate links site) and to make the search icon to work.
    3-How could I make all thumbnails in carousels and grids to share same size and how to make titles to be aligned? I want all them to be aligned (thumbnails and titles) Besides that, I want to have 4 products per line on the grid of the homepage but don't know how to do it.
    4-Some carousels and grids (shop) include a border on product boxes. How could I remove this border?

    Thank you so much


  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jul 21, 2020 at 11:06 (3 year ago)

    Hi @litper,

    1 - Menu: I don't understand this. Could you take the screenshot?
    2 - Headline
    - Change green color: You can change in Theme Options: https://prnt.sc/tlswzf
    - Remove Cart icon: DONE
    3 - make all thumbnails in carousels and grids to share same size and how to make titles to be aligned: DONE
    - 4 products per line: DONE
    4 - remove this border: DONE

    If you are satisfied with this support, hope that you will spend a little time and go to this website:
    https://themeforest.net/item/armania-elementor-woocommerce-theme/reviews/26743715 and leave your 5 stars and your good comments there. It is really worth to me

    Thank you so much!
  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 21, 2020 at 11:30 (3 year ago)


    1- now is working fine but yesterday primary menu didn't display on shop, catalog and product pages
    2-thanks, but search icon still not work. How could I use it to perform product searches?
    3- It is much better now but still got some problems (please check pictures). Some images display beyond the limits, same with some titles... Is there any way to make all thumbnails same width and heigh? Scale images to make them fit and crop them when heigh goes beyond the limits?
    4- products per line: Thanks! but could you let me know how to do that? Maybe I want to modify it in the future to show 5, 6, 7... per line and don't want to bother you every time.
    More things:
    5-I can't find the way to make product reviews work. I want to allow people to leave reaviews and make stars to be displayed. How to do that?
    6-Is there any way to add a slider or folder with youtube videos to product pages?

    BTW: I just left my 5 stars review :)

  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 21, 2020 at 15:42 (3 year ago)

    Update (I have solved some issues):
    2-Search icon still not work. How could I use it to perform product searches?
    3. I think that solved the issue and now is working fine. I set 300X300 as size and is working fine.
    4.Now I see how it works, it works well for product grid but is not working for carousel (pleas check the image). I have set it to display 6 slides but still displaying 4.
    5. Still can't find the way to make product reviews work. I want to allow people to leave reaviews and make stars to be displayed. How to do that?
    6-Is there any way to add a slider or folder with youtube videos to product pages? Like this page: (https://www.boardgameprices.com/prices/scythe)

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jul 22, 2020 at 11:05 (3 year ago)

    Thanks for your rating ^^

    2. Search icon: I still can search for something: https://prnt.sc/tmgw7v and it directs to this page when I click in the search icon: https://prnt.sc/tmgwsc
    4. Carousel: I see it changes: https://prnt.sc/tmgytm
    5. product reviews: I will ask the coder to check for you
    6. Add video: I am not sure. But your link is still not clear enough. Because I don't see the video. You mean that you want to show the video for your product instead of showing images only?
  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 22, 2020 at 11:21 (3 year ago)

    6: videos: no, if you click the link https://www.boardgameprices.com/prices/scythe you will see that there is a section (layer?)"videos" on the right side of "overviews" and if you click you will find youtube videos. That is what I am trying to achieve. Is that possible?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 23, 2020 at 02:05 (3 year ago)

    5. Product reviews: Don't know why all your products are not activating this: https://prnt.sc/tmxubg
    You can enable this then your products will show the rating star
    6. Ahh, I see. Currently, we do not have the design for this. So if you want, it will belong to the customized job.

    Thank you!
  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 23, 2020 at 10:25 (3 year ago)

    5. Thanks, but is not a good solution since I am going to import hundreds of products in bulk and can't activate the option on each one of them. I all them to be activated.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 24, 2020 at 09:46 (3 year ago)

    We also don't know why. But all are your products so you should enable for all
    Thank you!
  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 28, 2020 at 15:35 (3 year ago)

    Here I come again with some new questions.
    1-I got an issue with product images in single product pages. Product images are quite big and I want to resize all them to share the same heigh. I don't want the images to go beyond the categories and tags. Please check these pages:

    Please check the attached image

    2- how to remove the "Armania" text on the left corner of the headline? (please check image)

    3-Coming back to that green area at the very top of the headline (the one with the search field and the "what are you looking for"). What should I do if I want to remove the search bar and the text? or if I want to use a different text? Please don't remove anything, just let me know how to do it in case I want to modify it. I can't find the place to do it.


  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 30, 2020 at 02:16 (3 year ago)

    Good morning,

    1. Now I see your product image displays like this: https://prnt.sc/tqvq23 Is it smaller?

    2. You can upload your logo in Theme options: https://prnt.sc/tqvvki

    3. I installed for you the Loco Translation plugin. You can go to Loco > Themes > Armania then translate this text: https://prnt.sc/tqvwo7

  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 30, 2020 at 06:33 (3 year ago)


    3- Great, but how to remove the search bar or using a different search bar? I am thinking about using ajax search bar but don't know how to modify that field.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 31, 2020 at 02:20 (3 year ago)

    I sent your question to my coder. He will check soon. Thanks!
  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 31, 2020 at 06:33 (3 year ago)

  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 31, 2020 at 08:17 (3 year ago)

    Here will be the solution for you:

    Option 1: Remove the search bar
    - Use css:
    .block-search{ display: none !important; }
    - Use Child theme, custom again file: templates-parts/header-search.php (remove all the code in this file then custom and use the css)

    Option 2: Use another sidebar:
    - Use Child theme, custom again the file: templates-parts/header-search.php (edit code in this file)
    - Use plugin (you have to research for the suitable plugin)

  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Jul 31, 2020 at 20:47 (3 year ago)

    Hi, I can't find any "templates-parts/header-search.php" the only thing I see under "templates-parts" is "header-sticky".
    Please check the attached picture.

    So where I can find that code to change search bar and add ajax search bar?
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Aug 3, 2020 at 01:29 (3 year ago)

    Please search carefully again. We are sure that this file is there: https://prnt.sc/tsxcbq
  • Customer

    Posted by: litper, Aug 3, 2020 at 08:06 (3 year ago)

    But that is the Main Theme and not the Child Theme. Should I modify it in the main theme? You said that I must modify the child theme
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Aug 4, 2020 at 01:52 (3 year ago)

    If you want to customize the main theme, then you will not be allowed to update the theme in the future. All your changes will be overwritten and you have to add again many times. That's why my coder suggested you add the changes/customize in the Child theme. It is safe for your site


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