• Customer

    Cart box bugs on Biolife - Organic Food WordPress Theme

    Posted by: Traxconn Jul 4, 2020 at 01:53 (3 year ago)
    Hi Support,

    We have submitted ticket 69493 before. But you said we need to choose Biolife theme and not Turan theme. However, there is no categories option for Biolife theme in your form. There is only Turan theme category option in your form. In the previous ticket, there is a bug in your site in which we cannot reply to admin.

    We found bugs regarding cart box on Biolife - Organic Food WordPress Theme. What we mean by ‘cart box’ is as attached ‘Cart box.jpg’ picture. The below Scenario A also happens in your demo site.

    Please use the following steps to replicate the bug:

    Scenario A (as attached ‘Scenario A.jpg’ picture)
    1. Add products to cart
    2. Go to checkout
    3. The cart box does not display out when mouse over to the cart icon.

    Scenario B (as attached ‘Scenario B.jpg’ picture)
    1. Add products to cart
    2. Go to checkout
    3. Go back to home page
    3. The cart box does display out but with empty product.

    Kindly please solve the above bugs as soon as possible.


  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jul 4, 2020 at 02:13 (3 year ago)

    Hi Traxconn,

    I don't know why but I updated for your purchase code. Now pls check again the categories and submit ticket on the correct category.
    Then I will check the issue for you

    Thank you so much!


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