• Customer

    the footer that was configured in wordpress cannot be seen on the website.

    Posted by: danielcastrov Jun 29, 2020 at 07:18 (3 year ago)
    Hello, the footer that was configured in wordpress cannot be seen on the website.

    Could you tell me how to solve it, I am having problems giving ftp access.

    I remain attentive, cordial greetings.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jun 29, 2020 at 09:49 (3 year ago)


    We already fixed this bug in the previous versions: https://prnt.sc/t8d3z8
    So, if you are using the lower version, please update to the latest version to get the latest features of the theme

  • Customer

    Posted by: danielcastrov, Jul 1, 2020 at 11:47 (3 year ago)

    Good afternoon, thanks for replying.

    I'm a little upset that they don't give me a concrete solution.

    A few weeks ago I asked how to update the version and they told me that it was not possible without damaging what I had configured. Now they tell me to do an update, I don't understand them.

    How can I do this without damaging my project since it takes a lot of time and configuration effort.

    I hope they can help me give you a good review. If you have a manual on how to update the version it would be great, and that is good, since its documentation is very little explicit and lacks information, I am quite disappointed to buy this template.
    best regards.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 2, 2020 at 10:42 (3 year ago)


    I don't know where you asked. But I am sure that this issue was solved. So, you should update the theme.
    In case you customized/changed anything in the Main theme, you should backup all. Then update the theme. After that, you can add back the customized files.
    If you don't update the theme, your issue will not be solved
  • Customer

    Posted by: danielcastrov, Jul 2, 2020 at 22:29 (3 year ago)

    Good afternoon, thanks for your reply. Please I need that as manufacturers of the template give me an explicit manual to update the theme already installed and with custom modifications. When I bought the theme, you installed it because it had errors and the documentation was not updated and was not understood. Now you ask me what is found, I repeat, its manual does not explain the installation process well, and it does not have a reinstallation manual being in production. I appreciate help with this as soon as possible.

    Best regards.
  • Customer

    Posted by: danielcastrov, Jul 8, 2020 at 16:58 (3 year ago)

    good afternoon, I need help from you for my request I have days without response. please send me the information you request or I ask for a refund in envato for poor technical support.
  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jul 8, 2020 at 17:10 (3 year ago)


    I don't know why your ticket is not at the top when it has not been replied yet @@
    However, I adready checked again all your ticket. When we helped you to re-install the theme, it already worked. In the next versions, we had a bug that the Footer disappeared. And we also fixed and updated this bug. Now you are using a lower version of the theme, so please update your theme to the latest one.

    To update the theme, pls make sure that you still do not customize or change any the default design of the Main theme:
    - Activate the default theme
    - Delete the current Biolife theme on your site
    - Upload the latest .zip package version of theme and activate it. Then you will get the latest version

    In case you customized or changed something in the Main theme, or even you translated some texts, added your own css code, you should back up everything before you upload the new version of theme. If not, all will be lost.
    If you have any misunderstanding, pls let me know
  • Customer

    Posted by: danielcastrov, Jul 8, 2020 at 17:08 (3 year ago)

    Good afternoon, I need your help for a request that has been unanswered for days. I sent a ticket in their technical support system and they have not helped me as it should be, they do not give me the information I request. The first technical support they gave me was good, but now it is very bad. If they do not help me, I will request a refund for poor technical support and poor customer service. Regards.


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