• Customer

    WPML Plugin Support

    Posted by: GraphicDesignerJF Jun 14, 2020 at 03:09 (3 year ago)
    Good evening, I need super urgent help because when I buy this template and the multilanguage is not included in Spanish and I cannot find where it is to configure that the page is all 100% Spanish or you also have to pay separately, you cannot imagine this template the most face that I have bought and can not find in Spanish and where you could find this urgent Spanish language.

  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jun 15, 2020 at 08:14 (3 year ago)

    Hi @GraphicDesignerJF,

    Thanks for your question. If your site is a single language, you can use this plugin: Loco Translation. This is the free plugin, you can download then translate your texts

    If your site is multi-language, you can use plugin WPML. This is the paid plugin. You can purchase this to translate.
    And the theme supports well for these plugins

  • Customer

    Posted by: GraphicDesignerJF, Jun 15, 2020 at 17:00 (3 year ago)

    Good afternoon how are you,
    But the truth is I do not understand why I thought that the most expensive page in template that I have bought and because it is not included in Spanish that is easy to configure the language. Now you tell me that I must buy separately for this Spanish language. A very important help who can help me which I can translate or must have 100% original language in Spanish that is not translated ....

    You can send me a link where you can search for the Spanish language or you can send a screenshot. I thank you very much. It is super urgent.

  • Manager

    Posted by: yame, Jun 17, 2020 at 02:37 (3 year ago)

    The theme is available for English only.
    You can select your language here: https://prnt.sc/t14igh
    And you can use Loco translation plugin (it is free) to translate the remaining texts. If you don't know how to translate, pls provide me your admin + ftp account, I will help you to check



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