• Customer

    Filter and Sort Layout in Shop pages.

    Posted by: public_fibre Jun 5, 2020 at 09:35 (3 year ago)
    Hey guys,

    We're having some difficulty with finessing the 'Filters' and 'Sort' functions on our shop page. It's the Wordpress Filter Products by Attributes widget and the sort functionality on the WooCommerce Archive Products widget to be specific.

    Could you advise on how we can customise the layout, if possible? We'd like to remove the arrows from all and change so 'Brand' 'Colour' 'Size' 'Material' are clickable (not arrow) and that 'Sort' appears on the same line in mobile.

    This would be a huge help so really appreciate it!


  • Customer

    Posted by: yame, Jun 5, 2020 at 11:26 (3 year ago)


    My coder checks your site and he finds out that the Shop page was customized. It was customized by Elementor Pro and css in Child theme.

    So you should ask the customer (who customized for your site) to do it for you. We do not support the customized site.
    Thanks for your understanding.



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